About Group Twenty Seven

Our nimble women-forward team uses continual learning and testing to master the foundational complexities of the Google Ads platform and unlock new opportunities in the ever-evolving digital landscape—boosting your advertising ROI and putting you closer to your business goals.

Deep PPC expertise.

You don’t have time to wade into every nuance of Google Ads management—but we do. You can leave the heavy lifting and details to us.

Big picture view.

Your paid search strategy should be based on more than what’s obvious from a cursory review of your Google Ads account. We educate ourselves about your company and its marketing BEFORE doing a deep dive into your PPC accounts.

Customized advertising plan.

You’re not satisfied with cookie-cutter approaches to your marketing, and we’re not either. We’ll design a custom advertising plan that’s specific to your company and its needs.

No long-term contracts.

Most of our clients stay with us for years, but you don’t have to. You can take things month by month, with no long-term obligation.

Personal account manager.

Having your own account manager (or two) provides you with a high level of responsiveness—and each of our account managers is guided by an experienced PPC director.

High touch.

While Google AI and automation are great, they’re no substitute for actual human oversight. Your account will get the eyes-on personal attention it deserves.

Continual optimization.

Continual optimization means better results. We’ll keep testing and strategizing to take your results to the next level even when we’re hitting your goals.

Proactive approach.

The real opportunities in PPC lie in being proactive, not reactive. We’ll help you get where you want to go by actively seeking out the best strategies—and spotting problems before they occur.

Early access to new tools, alphas and betas.

As a trusted agency, Google gives us early access to tools and functions in alpha and beta testing phases—an advantage we can put to work for you.


Opportunities can arise quickly in PPC when Google Ads changes or rolls out new features. We act quickly on your behalf to take advantage of them before they disappear.

Data-driven decision making.

Your Google Ads strategies shouldn’t be a shot in the dark. We figure out what’s actually driving your revenue and leads and then use data-driven decision making to develop strategy.

Open communication.

You should always know what’s going on with your Google Ads program. We keep you abreast of what we’re doing through reporting and regular meetings that fit with your schedule.

Our Women-Forward Team

Marketing managers, directors and C-suite executives just like you have been benefiting from our advertising services for over 12 years.

We remain committed to providing women-forward businesses with the responsive service and excellent results on which we’ve built our reputation.

Pauline Jakober

Founder and CEO

Pauline Jakober

Founder and CEO



Professional background:

Advertising, Direct Marketing, Digital Marketing


I have over 20 years of experience in digital marketing, with the last 15 of those years focused on paid search marketing. Today, I'm proud to lead a strong team of digital advertising experts and provide consulting, program management, and corporate training services to our B2B clients.

I've spoken at conferences and digital marketing events around the world where I enjoy delving into the minutiae and broader strategies of successful Google Ads advertising.

Favorite part of my role:

Mentoring and empowering my team members as they develop into PPC experts. There's nothing more rewarding than watching someone new to our team—and PPC—progress from learning the basics to THEM teaching ME new Google Ads strategies and management methods.

When not optimizing client programs:

I love to travel—although I enjoy the planning part as much as the actual trip. I’m learning to enjoy gardening and am slowly killing fewer flowers, bushes and trees. More than anything though, I love to hang out with my family and friends.

Alyssa MacPherson

Senior PPC Director

Alyssa MacPherson

Senior PPC Director



Professional background:

Digital Marketing; Destination Marketing; Hospitality Sales & Marketing

Favorite part of my role:

Testing new Google betas; creating Data Studio reports that communicate PPC performance in real time; developing PPC strategies that are tailored to the specific needs to my clients - and seeing them generate real results!

When not optimizing client programs:

You’ll find me spending time outdoors with my kids and husband or curled up with my dog and a good book.

Chelsea Tryon

PPC Director

Chelsea Tryon

PPC Director



Professional background:

Technical writing; Academic advising

Favorite part of my role:

Troubleshooting Google Ads and Google Analytics issues and developing innovative and efficient solutions for our clients.

When not optimizing client programs:

I like to read, travel, quilt, hike, and spend time with my husband and son.

Amy Sheehan

Senior Account Manager

Amy Sheehan

Senior Account Manager



Professional background:

Over 20 years experience in advertising, digital marketing and direct marketing for a wide variety of clients in a variety of industries, including tech, healthcare, entertainment, education, engineering and design.

Favorite part of my role:

The ability to test and track to maximize results for clients because it requires both creativity and analysis.

When not optimizing client programs:

I can be found hiking, biking, camping or swimming with my husband, daughter and dog.

Shayna Fiorina

Shayna Fiorina

Senior PPC Associate
Shayna Fiorina

Shayna Fiorina

Senior PPC Associate



Professional background:

Digital and linear advertising planning for B2B and B2C.

Favorite part of my role:

Using a blend of campaign data and creative problem solving to get great results for our clients.

When not optimizing client programs:

I enjoy spending time with my loved ones and three-legged cat, lifting weights, yoga, hiking, and snuggling up on my couch with a Stephen King book and a bowl of warm oatmeal.

Kristen Dixon

PPC Associate

Kristen Dixon

PPC Associate



Professional background:

B2C marketing for small businesses

Favorite part of my role:

I have a passion for helping business owners succeed. PPC allows me to be creative in finding new ways to help businesses reach their goals.

When not optimizing client programs:

I enjoy spending time with my husband and daughter, baking, or trying new craft breweries in our area.

Want superior results?

Get the proactive account management and deep industry expertise you need to boost your company’s pay per click advertising ROI.

Let’s Talk